
Kimchi jjigae ot Kimuchi Nabe

Kimchi is a traditional Korean pickles that made of vegetables with varied seasonings. It tastes spicy, but very tasty.
So Japanese people also like this Korean pickles very much.
Kimchi jjigae is a spicy stew-like dish cooked and served boiling hot in a pot that contains Kimchi and other vegetables, meats, or seafood.
Japanese people call it Kimuchi Nabe. Nabe means Pot or Stew pan.
This is very good to eat on cold winter to make your body warm.

How to make?
First boil meats or seafood in a water in a pot to make Bouillon.
And put some Miso. This is a basic Bouillon.
After that,
Just put together ingredients and boil.
Easy and tasty. Good to eat with rice.

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